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Release Candidate

  GINsim version: 3.0.0b

  Release date: Mar 2018

  File with dependencies included: GINsim-3.0.0b-with-deps.jar (13 Mb)

  Change log: ChangeLog-3.0.0b.txt


  Source tarball: GINsim-v3.0.0b.tgz (0.8 Mb)

Current Stable Release

  GINsim version: 2.4 alpha

  Release date: Mar 2010

  File: GINsim-2.4.jar

  Size: (1.44 Mb)

  Change log: ChangeLog-2.4.txt

Old Stable Release

  GINsim version: 2.3.1

  Release date: Sep 2010

  File: GINsim-2.3.1.jar

  Size: (947 Kb)

  Change log: ChangeLog-2.3.1.txt

Nighly Build

  You can grab the nightly build at


  Starting with version 2.9.3, GINsim is freely available under the terms of GPLv3 license (view full GNU GPL v3.0 license).

Older versions are freely available for academic use.

Running instructions

In order to run the latest GINsim modelling and simulation tool, JAVA version 1.6 or higher is required.

GINsim is available through a .JAR file which can be launched directly if your system is properly configured, or with the command:

java -jar GINsim-version.jar

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