Browse Models
Title | Taxon - All terms | Process - All terms |
Specification of vulval precursor cells and cell fusion control in C. elegans | C. elegans | Differentiation |
T cells response to CTLA4 and PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors | Mammal, Human | T-cell activation |
T-lymphocyte specification | Mammal, Mouse | Development, Signalling, Differentiation |
TCR and TLR5 merged Boolean model | Mammal, Human | T-cell activation |
TCR signalisation | Mammal | Differentiation |
The Anterior-Posterior Boundary (Gonzalez et al. 2008) | D. melanogaster | Development, Wing Imaginal disk |
The pair-rule cross-regulatory module (Sánchez and Thieffry 2003) | D. melanogaster | Segmentation, Development |