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Title Taxon - All terms Process - All terms
Core engine controlling the budding yeast cell cycle Budding yeast, Yeast Core engine, Cell cycle
Differential expression of IL17 isoforms A and F in helper T Lymphocytes Mammal, Human Differentiation
Differentiation of Monocytes to Dendritic Cells Mammal, Human Differentiation
Drosophila cell cycle D. melanogaster Cell cycle
Drosophila Dpp Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Development, Signalling, Wing Imaginal disk
Drosophila EGF Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila eggshell patterning D. melanogaster Development
Drosophila FGF Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila Hh Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila JAK/STAT Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila mesoderm specification D. melanogaster Development, Signalling
Drosophila Notch Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila SPATZLE Processing pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila Toll Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling
Drosophila VEGF Signalling pathway D. melanogaster Signalling

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