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Cell cycle

Comprehensive Boolean model of the mammalian cell cyle control network


Published by Sizek et al. in 2019, this Boolean model encompasses 87 components representing different molecular species and cellular processes involved in the regulation of cell proliferation versus apoptosis for a generic human cell. The authors conceived this complex model as an association of different functional modules:
- Growth Signalling module (green nodes): incorportates growth signalling pathways driving cell cycle commitment, responsible for modeling the dynamics of PI3K, AKT1, MAPK and mTORC.
- Restriction Switch (blue nodes): responsible for commitment to DNA synthesis.
- Origin Licensing switch (yellow nodes): responsible for licensing and firing of replication origins.
- Phase Switch (pink nodes): responsible for modeling cell cycle progression (G2 -> M -> G1). The switch was expanded to incorporate for the role of Polo like kinase 1 (Plk1) during mitosis.
- Apoptosis Switch (red nodes): responsible for modeling cell survival versus apoptosis.
- Cellular processes (orange nodes): helps to identify the phenotypic state and include some regulatory mechanisms.
The resulting model reproduces hyperactive PI3K-driven cytokinesis failure and genome duplication and predicts the molecular drivers responsible for these failures by linking hyperactive PI3K to mis-regulation of Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) expression late in G2.

Pedro T. Monteiro

Asymmetric Cell Division in Caulobacter Crescentus


Caulobacter crescentus is a model organism for the study of asymmetric division and cell type differentiation, as its cell division cycle generates a pair of daughter cells that differ from one another in their morphology and behavior. One of these cells (called stalked) develops a structure that allows it to attach to solid surfaces and is the only one capable of dividing, while the other (called swarmer) develops a flagellum that allows it to move in liquid media and divides only after differentiating into a stalked cell type. Although many genes, proteins, and other molecules involved in the asymmetric division exhibited by C. Crescentus have been discovered and characterized during decades, it remains as a challenging task to understand how cell properties arise from the high number of interactions between these molecular components. This chapter describes a modeling approach based on the Boolean logic framework that provides a means for the integration of knowledge and study of the emergence of asymmetric division. The text illustrates how the simulation of simple logic models gives valuable insight into the dynamic behavior of the regulatory and signaling networks driving the emergence of the phenotypes exhibited by C. crescentus. These models provide useful tools for the characterization and analysis of other complex biological networks.

C. Chaouiya

Multilevel mammalian cell cycle model


This model is an extension of the seminal model of the G1/S restriction point control of mammalian cell cycle, published by Fauré et al (2006) [1]. We have used model-checking and computing tree logics (CTL) to progressively refine Fauré's model in order to fit recent experimental observations. The resulting model accounts for the sequential activation of cyclins, the role of Skp2, and emphasizes a multifunctional role for the cell cycle inhibitor Rb.
We provide the models in different formats:
1) An archive containing the multilevel model, to be open with GINsim (v2.9.3).
2) An archive containing a Boolean translation of this model, to be open with GINsim (v2.9.3).
3) A SBML Qual export of the multilevel model.
4) A SBML Qual export of the Boolean version.
Furthermore, we provide a script containing the main NuSMV queries used in the article describing the methodology and the resulting revised model.


Pedro T. Monteiro

Senescence onset at the G1/S cell cycle checkpoint


DNA damage (single or double-strand breaks) triggers adapted cellular responses. These responses are elicited through signalling pathways, which activate cell cycle checkpoints and basically lead to three cellular fates: cycle arrest promoting DNA repair, senescence (permanent arrest) or cell death. Cellular senescence is known for having a tumour-suppressive function and its regulation arouses a growing scientific interest. Here, we advance a qualitative model covering DNA damage response pathways, focusing on G1/S checkpoint enforcement, supposedly more sensitive to arrest than G2/M checkpoint.

We define a discrete, logical model encompassing ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) and ATR (ATM and Rad3-related) pathways activation upon DNA damage, as well as G1/S checkpoint main components. It also includes the stress responsive protein p38MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase 14) known to be involved in the regulation of senescence. The model has four outcomes that convey alternative cell fates: proliferation, (transient) cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and senescence. Different levels of DNA damage are considered, defined by distinct combinations of single and double-strand breaks. Each leads to a single stable state denoting the cell fate adopted upon this specific damage. A range of model perturbations corresponding to gene loss-of-function or gain-of-function is compared to experimental mutations.

As a step towards an integrative model of DNA-damage response pathways to better cover the onset of senescence, our model focuses on G1/S checkpoint enforcement. This model qualitatively agrees with most experimental observations, including experiments involving mutations. Furthermore, it provides some predictions.

C. Chaouiya

ERBB receptor-regulated G1/S transition


Modeling ERBB receptor-regulated G1/S transition to find novel targets for de novo trastuzumab resistance


In breast cancer, overexpression of the transmembrane tyrosine kinase ERBB2 is an adverse prognostic marker, and occurs in almost 30% of the patients. For therapeutic intervention, ERBB2 is targeted by monoclonal antibody trastuzumab in adjuvant settings; however, de novo resistance to this antibody is still a serious issue, requiring the identification of additional targets to overcome resistance. In this study, we have combined computational simulations, experimental testing of simulation results, and finally reverse engineering of a protein interaction network to define potential therapeutic strategies for de novo trastuzumab resistant breast cancer.


First, we employed Boolean logic to model regulatory interactions and simulated single and multiple protein loss-of-functions. Then, our simulation results were tested experimentally by producing single and double knockdowns of the network components and measuring their effects on G1/S transition during cell cycle progression. Combinatorial targeting of ERBB2 and EGFR did not affect the response to trastuzumab in de novo resistant cells, which might be due to decoupling of receptor activation and cell cycle progression. Furthermore, examination of c-MYC in resistant as well as in sensitive cell lines, using a specific chemical inhibitor of c-MYC (alone or in combination with trastuzumab), demonstrated that both trastuzumab sensitive and resistant cells responded to c-MYC perturbation.


In this study, we connected ERBB signaling with G1/S transition of the cell cycle via two major cell signaling pathways and two key transcription factors, to model an interaction network that allows for the identification of novel targets in the treatment of trastuzumab resistant breast cancer. Applying this new strategy, we found that, in contrast to trastuzumab sensitive breast cancer cells, combinatorial targeting of ERBB receptors or of key signaling intermediates does not have potential for treatment of de novo trastuzumab resistant cells. Instead, c-MYC was identified as a novel potential target protein in breast cancer cells.

Claudine Chaouiya

Fission Yeast Cell Cycle (Davidich and Bornholdt, 2008)


Direct transcription

This model is a direct transcription of the Boolean model published by Davidich & Bornholdt [1]. Dynamical rules are defined on the basis of the network structure, as the sum of the positive and negative influences exerted on each nodes by its regulators. (Fig. 1, bottom left in [2]; see text for more details).

The model yields a main stable state, corresponding to G0/G1, that gathers most trajectories in the state transition graph; and several alternative, artefactual states.


This model is derived from the Boolean model published by Davidich & Bornholdt [1]. The two Boolean components representing the different levels of activity of Cdc2_Cdc13 have been replaced by a ternary component. In addition, the loops originally placed on Start, SK, PP, and Slp1 nodes have been removed, as they do not represent true auto-regulations, and compensated by the introduction of priorities to account for the maintenance of the start signal and its effect on Rum1 and Ste9.

For proper logical rules, the model has a single stable state, corresponding to the G1 state of Davidich & Bornholdt (with only Ste9, Rum1 and Wee1_Mick1 activated). This means that the other 11 spurious stable states obtained by these authors have been eliminated.

Activation of Start leads to SK inactivation and then to inhibition of Ste9 and Rum 1, launching a to a sequence of state transitions matching that defined by Davidich & Bornholdt [1], as well as available kinetic data (see Model Documentation for proper setting of the logical simulation).


Adrien Fauré (C. Chaouiya)

Budding yeast cell cycle (adapted from Irons, 2009)


This model is a direct transcription of the Boolean model published by Irons [1], except for the specific temporisation system. Synchronous simulation of this model recovers the results obtained by Irons in absence of time delays (Fig. 3B in [1]), i.e. a single, cyclic attractor qualitatively consistent with available kinetic data.


  1. Irons DJ.  2009.  Logical analysis of the budding yeast cell cycle. Journal of theoretical biology. 257(4):543-59.
Adrien Fauré (C. Chaouiya)

Budding yeast cell cycle (Orlando et al. 2008)


This model is a direct transcription of the Boolean model published by Orlando et al. [1]. Synchronous simulation of this model yields a cyclic attractor gathering most trajectories in the state transition graph, which is robust to parameter choice, as reported in [1]. However, asynchronous simulations all lead to a stable state with all variables OFF, whatever the parameter set proposed by the authors, indicating that the oscillations observed in the synchronous simulations may not be sustained. See [2] for more details.


Adrien Fauré (C. Chaouiya)

Drosophila cell cycle


We derived this model from published data on drosophila cell cycle, completed when necessary with information transferred from other organisms, principally mammals, using orthology relationships between regulatory components. It can be used to simulate the canonical cell cycle, syncytial cycles, as well as endocycles.

Adrien Fauré (C. Chaouiya)

Budding yeast exit module


This logical model (cf. figure below and [1]) focuses on the network controlling mitotic exit in budding yeast. It is inspired by the work of Queralt et al. (2006) [2], which emphasises the role of PP2A down-regulation by separase in the triggering of Cdc14 activation during anaphase. These authors developed a quantitative model for mitotic exit, integrating evidence on the roles of FEAR (Cdc Fourteen Early Anaphase Release) components Cdc5Polo, PP2ACdc55 and Esp1.

This model was then used to update our model for budding yeast core cycling engine, that relied on an hypothetical inhibitor of Cdc14, called PPX, activated by Pds1, in place of the FEAR reaction. Our logical model qualitatively accounts for available data on the wild-type cell cycle, as well as for nine different cycle perturbations described in Queralt et al, in terms of Cdc14 activation.

See also:


Adrien Fauré (C. Chaouiya)
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